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Tikona Wifi
Tikona Digital Networks was founded in 2008 by veterans from the telecom industry, who have built some of the largest telecom networks in India. With a vision to be a leading Broadband and IT services company, offering innovative products and solutions to home, enterprise and service provider customers in India, Tikona Digital Networks believes that the next generation services will change the way India lives, transacts, and communicates. TDN is adequately funded by top end global investors and is committed to comply with the highest standards of corporate governance.
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Thursday, 8 March 2012

The Grid- The next stage in cyber evolution

Every day we log on to the internet…. Check emails, chat with our friends and shop.
What If the internet becomes obsolete someday? What if you came to know one fine day that the internet doesn’t exist anymore? Will you be able to live without it? Well don’t fret folks, sooner or later a day will come when the internet will eventually have to die and give way to the next stage in cyber evolution.

Welcome to Grid Computing also known as the “The grid”, the technology that will eventually replace the internet, changing the way we interact with people and download information from the World Wide Web. Does the word “CERN” sound familiar to you? I am sure you have been hearing about it a lot in the news lately, mainly due to the particle experiments taking place over there.
CERN was the birthplace of the internet where Sir Tim Berners Lee invented it. Now they have come with a technology so powerful, that it can replace the internet altogether.

Imagine being able to download a full movie in less than 2 seconds, streaming simultaneous high definition movies at the same time. Sounds too good to be true? Well guess what, it will be here sooner than you can imagine.

What is “The Grid”?
When scientists at CERN started experimenting with the Large Hadron Collider in search of the God Particle, they realized that doing so would generate enough data that would create a stack of cds 40 miles high. That meant that the internet could not be used to capture that data as the equipment (wires and cables) used to run the internet was originally meant to route telephone calls and lacked the power of transmitting high speed data and could cause a global collapse.

As a result “The Grid” was born by leveraging the use of modern equipment and fiber optics that could transmit data without slowing down the network. It would enable people to take cloud computing to another level, where all our information can be stored online and accessed from anywhere on the globe.

Scientists and technologists are optimistic that the grid holds the future of information sharing as it will help us to become a true information and communication enabled world. Scientists have already realized its potential and have used it, to help design new drugs against malaria. Researchers used the grid to analyze 140m compounds - a task that would have taken a standard internet-linked PC 420 years.

As the hunger to acquire information fast and with people becoming much greedier when it comes to uploading and downloading data, Grid Computing is definitely the need of the hour. But don’t throw away your routers just yet… Since there’s still time for this technology to go global, till then just sit back and enjoy the transition… From being connected to becoming one with the world.


Rehan Zaki said...

"I would also recommend this connection, as speed is good & also at affordable price. L have taken this decision after due consideration of other isps & their respective plans & demos
order: L ordered this connection by filling request form on their site tikona.In. A day after L got call for order taking & free demo..L liked the speed that L was getting so L ordered it with plan of 4mps.

Installation: I had to call 2 times to get installation as salesman promised me LL get installation on next if paid cash, but got it after 4 days. After installation L checked speed it was wooping 3.2mps to 3.7mps.. so more or less same speed for what L M paying for..! main reason L get such good speed is that their access point is near my building.

Conclusion: strongly recommended"

Vipin Kumar said...

I was looking for an ISP to provide me quality services and since there are not a whole lot of service providers in Trichy, so I had only a handful of options as far ISP’s go. One of my friends suggested that I go in for a Tikona broadband connection. I took his advice and bought a Tikona connection, and I am so glad that I listened to my friend and did not go in for the local ISP, because not only did I get quality services but also got free antivirus as an add-on. I am so glad that it saved me from the pain of buying an antivirus. Tikona rocks!

Unknown said...

"One of the leading broadband offering companies, Tikona has indeed proved its worth as being a reliable partner when it comes to broadband connections. I have had the internet connection for quite some time and I am pretty satisfied. I use Tikona wi fi service, and it has exceeded my expectations in the last few months. Quite strangely some of the best names in the industry could not delight me as much as this connection did. Looking forward to up gradation though! Superior speed, no security hassles and control on bills. Tikona takes care of every aspect that a customer faces while hiring any broadband connection. They have indeed evolved out to be one of the leading players in the market. Lets Congratulate our Team mate “Mayuri Changle ” for solving customer ‘s problem in such a wonderful way with such great follow-up and prompt service that customer is bound to Appreciate her."

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